About/Sign up
For the schedule go here
The event is at EAL campus at seebladsgade 1, 5000 Odense C.
We meet in room B2.48
The door will be open in the daytime, and students will have all-time access using their tokens or student cards. We will arrange for a phone number to call, if the door is locked.
Please note that the windows must be kept closed throughout the weeked. This is an alarm thing, and the guards don’t like to be called unneccesarily.
To registrer
To register, signup through meetup page where we will announce all events.
Transportation and parking (!)
There is free parking, but …
You must announnce your arrival to get a parking permit. This is done by sending an email to eal@eal.dk including name, license plate and mobile phone number. The official guide is here
The train station is a 9 minute walk from the venue.
Food and accomodation
There are supermarket in the vicinity, and vending machines for coffe.
We have logos and posters here.